Employment Readiness & Civilian Resume Writing Workshop
Employment Readiness & Civilian Resume Writing Workshop
FT Sill, OK
Please join us for two classes in 90 minutes! Understand all of the tasks and ways to prepare for employment in the civilian world from the moment you explore career options until you are in the interview. Then, stick around to learn to write a civilian resume, so you can modify and tailor the one …
Wednesday, June 9 2021
2:00 PM
3:30 PM
Civilian Resume Writing Webinar
Civilian Resume Writing Webinar
Fort Sill, OK
Please join USO Transitions Fort Sill & FT Hood for our next civilian resume writing webinar workshop Wednesday, May 5th at 10AM CST! Our topic is CIVILIAN RESUME WRITING basics and tips. Whether this is your first time writing or tailoring your resume, or if you have an older version but haven’t …
Wednesday, May 5 2021
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
Civilian Resume Builder Workshop
Civilian Resume Builder Workshop
Fort Sill, OK
Join your USO Oklahoma Transitions Team for a civilian resume building workshop from at the USO Center from 10:30AM to 12PM on Monday, March 22, 2021. Enjoy coffee and pastries provided by Viridian Coffee Co.! Learn the basics of writing a resume. Revise your existing resume based upon current tre…
Monday, March 22 2021
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
VA Panel
VA Panel
Fort Sill, OK
Join the FT Sill USO Transitions Team as they host a virtual panel session with representatives from the Department of Veterans Affairs and affiliated agencies, who will explain their mission, assistance and eligibility requirements for the programs that assist Transitioning Service Members and Vet…
Wednesday, April 28 2021
10:00 AM
11:30 AM